The training teaches the dogs to avoid snakes. Dogs are naturally curious and but have a one dimensional thought process. When the dogs are introduced to a snake they use three senses to investigate. These senses are, seeing, hearing and smelling it. When these senses are incorporated I give a brief heavy correction by way of the E-collar (Electronic collar). The jolt is sudden and does not hurt the dog. I know this for a fact as I have placed my hand on a collar and shocked myself. I did it so I can tell any client worried about using a collar that this does not hurt. It is scary and I don’t want it again, but it simply cannot physically hurt the dog. Most dogs are finished the moment I hit the button. Some need it two in a row but rarely a third. Their body language will change from intrigued with the snake to absolute flight. Many dogs pull the owners back to the truck to just get away.
Part of my business plan is transparency and honesty. I tell every client the truth about snake voidance training. The truth is you cannot simply train a dog and expect it to never receive a bite. The training has saved countless dogs. Every year I get a calls, a texts and emails about how the training is so wonderful and how it saved a client’s dog. I have had two clients tell me their dogs saved children from a bite. This is so wonderful to read! Now we have to think about the reality of dogs in snake country. Even trained dogs can get a bite. I dread the notifications about client dogs that get bitten. It is a fact we all must face.
Please take this advice. Get the training to try and avoid a bite. Get the rattlesnake vaccine in case of a bite. If you are headed to hiking, camping or hunting, know where you’re going. Find a veterinarian in that region, call them and ask if they are a twenty-four-hour bite care facility. If they aren’t, they will guide you to the nearest location. Put that address and telephone number into your cellular telephone and write it down and leave it in your glove box of your truck. If your dog gets a bite, then you’re prepared. You give the dog a 25 mg tablet of Benadryl, put him in the cab of your truck (NOT THE BED) and drive safely to the veterinarian. Remain calm because if you don’t, you will just amp up the dog and make things worse for the dog and for you.